The Sigma Tek air-operated artificial horizon indicator 23-501-06-9 is selected as standard equipment by aircraft manufacturers worldwide. The artificial horizon displays aircraft attitude through 360 degrees in pitch. Its pictorial presentation gives faster interpretation of airplane attitude with blue for sky and black for ground. Pictorial airplane remains fixed during gyro operation, adjustable to compensate for changing conditions. Also available with warning flag to alert pilot to loss of pneumatic power.
FN | Factory New | Unit received from OEM or Authorized Distributor in original package |
FNE | Factory New / Exchange | Factory New yet discounted due to exact P/N Core Exchange |
OHC | Overhauled & Certified | Overhauled by an Authorized Agency in accordance with OEM Specifications. |
OHE | Overhaul Exchange | Overhauled & Certified yet discounted due to exact P/N Core Exchange |
Warranty Info:
FN-Factory New; Original equipment manufacturer's warranty.
OH-Overhaul; Twelve Months from date of shipment or one thousand flight hours, whichever occurs first
TGH's company's liability on repairs is limited to parts and labor on the portion that has been repaired.